Food Hoarders 1 844 246 2733

Why hoard food?  There are a few reasons that might spur you to become a food hoarder. It’s common to keep more food than you actually need around the house, but there’s a point where storing food becomes an obsession for many people, such as for food hoarders. Larder hoarding is instinctual to foraging animals, but it can cause major disruptions in your own life if you develop similar behavior. The fear of being judged by others may have been holding you back from taking action, not wanting to risk the embarrassment of revealing your hoarding problem. It is not uncommon to feel a sense of shame because of the amount of food you store. 

Main Characteristics

You may be plagued by the fear you will not have enough to eat, or that you will not have the right ingredients on hand when you need them. Scientific research shows that hoarding behaviors are far more prevalent among individuals who have undergone a traumatic event. Victims of the Great Depression and those who grew up without enough food often move to the opposite extreme as an adult, stashing food in order to gain a sense of security and control. Alternatively, if you have ever battled anorexia or binge eating, keeping food on hand may be a residual habit from your history of eating disorders.


The complications of food hoarding are numerous. This behavior usually indicates an underlying condition that needs to be addressed, such as anxiety, disordered eating, or another type of phobia induced by a traumatic event. Additionally, storing vast quantities of food can cause the homeowner and other members of the household embarrassment and frustration. 

Since most of the food will go bad before it can ever be consumed, the habit is not only costly and wasteful, but it also poses a contamination threat to anyone living in such an environment.

Our solution for Food Hoarders

If you are a food hoarder – Our teams will clean out your pantry, fridge, cupboards, and any other problem areas of anything unwanted or expired, then help you reorganize your storage space to accommodate a sustainable amount of food. If you’re worried about your food going to waste, we will happily drop off excess food to soup kitchens or other charitable organizations which will also get you a tax deduction. Our goal is not to strip your supply of nourishment, but to bring a sense of balance and control back to your life–after all, you should be running the kitchen, not the other way around.We never make a decision about any of your belongings without asking permission first. We remain conscious of the wishes of the client during every step of the process. When we have finished, you will be confident enough to open your home to guests—perhaps for the first time in years—and the sense of relief will be liberating. Let us assuage your fears by helping you see past the initial shock. You have already overcome the first and highest hurdle by your decision to seek help; as for the rest, we’ll take it from here.

1 844 246 2733