Hoarding, Gross Filth & Trash House are industry terms, not created by Extreme Hoarding Cleaners We understand that not all hoardings involve trash and not all homes are gross. Please understand that we use these terms for proper search engine placement so that you can find us and get the help you may need.

Compulsive Hoarding and gross filth cleanup, and the subsequent removal of trash and debris from a hoarding site, typically involves cleaning a building or residence that a reasonable person would find uninhabitable. Often due to a combination of filth and debris from hoarding, fecal matter, bodily fluids, excessive trash, expired food, odor, boxed items, mold, mildew, etc., these extreme situations often require the services of trained professionals.

The task of cleaning a home affected by hoarding or gross filth (which is often different than hoarding), can be challenging and often impossible for an individual untrained in decontamination and odor removal. In addition, those tasked with such a job must be trained in locating and safely eliminating biohazards. Blood, mold, mildew, asbestos and fecal matter can contribute to serious illnesses if proper precautions are not taken while cleaning a gross filth or hoarding site.

Technicians with Extreme Hoarding Cleaners will use proper tools and chemicals to eliminate all potential hazards within a gross filth or hoarding site. Only after an area has been completely decontaminated will our technicians begin the cleanup process.

Please, before you attempt to clean a gross filth or hoarding scene, speak with a trained & certified technician. We have trained personnel standing by 24 hours a day to answer your questions. Gross filth cleanup and hoarding cleanup should not be treated as a standard cleanup job. Please understand that serious health risks may accompany your decision to clean a gross filth or hoarding site.

Extreme hoarding cleaners also specializes in flood water cleanup in Louisiana and surrounding states. We at E H C specialize in the removal of trash , debris, house hold items, furniture, carpet, and sheet rock and the cleanup and disinfecting. We do not specialize in restoration.

Prefer To Call? We know it's helpful to have someone to talk to directly. If you have questions, or prefer to schedule your estimate via the phone, please call:1 844 246 2733